A Clear Choice for Hoboken: Rafi Córdova

Dear Residents,

The 1st Ward City Council runoff election is one day away, and the campaign has been grueling. However, through it all I’ve seen Rafi Córdova rise to the challenge again and again. Am I surprised? No, because I know Rafi Córdova and I know he is a man of integrity and honor, fueled by a desire to serve his neighbors. He is built to rise to the occasion, it’s in his DNA. 

Take the events of the past weekend as an example. On Friday the residents of Marineview Plaza (MVP) received notice from building management that residents would be receiving a 9.5% rent increase on January 1. Understandably residents were concerned and anxious. How did Rafi react? He did exactly what a Councilperson would do; within hours he requested that the State of NJ intervene, demanded that the building owner rescind the hike, and informed residents as to the FACTS.  

On Saturday morning, Rafi organized a rally to inform MVP residents as to next steps, using his knowledge as Rent Board Chair to provide a calming message to residents. It is clear… Rafi’s on their side and will fight like hell to make sure that MVP management adheres to the terms of their PILOT agreement.  

What did Rafi’s opponent, Paul Presinzano, do? Not much. The candidate himself was nowhere to be found, while Presinzano’s campaign supporters sowed confusion and discord. Some said the rent hike was a hoax. A city-wide text propping up Presinzano’s candidacy claimed the same, then there was a claim that the text itself was a hoax. Does your brain hurt yet? Mine does.  

My point here is that when looking at the qualities of a leader, think about who takes issues seriously and works diligently to help residents and clarify misinformation. The answer to me is very clearly and unequivocally, Rafi Córdova. 

If you haven’t met Rafi, you should know that he has quietly built a record of activism in Hoboken spanning decades. During his earlier days, Rafi committed himself to working to heal rifts within the community in the wake of 9-11, with his efforts being instrumental in establishing the Symposia Community Project and Bookstore. Since then, Rafi’s efforts to help his community have only grown as he advocates daily for seniors, volunteers get food to our most vulnerable neighbors through In Jesus Name Charities, and most recently as Rent Board Chair where he makes sure our rent laws treat both tenants and property owners fairly. All the while, Rafi’s done this without broadcasting it to the world, because results, not credit, are what drive him.  

Rafi’s selfless record of service to his community is what I believe is his number one quality, and the biggest reason why he is the clear choice to represent the 1st Ward on Hoboken’s City Council. Hoboken’s 1st Ward has a tremendous opportunity to elect a decent, honest, and genuine human being and independent thinker. It’s an opportunity to choose someone who they know will stand up for them and always do the right thing, no matter the noise, or misinformation. Rafi won’t be using this position for his personal gain or higher political ambitions.  

I am proud to support Rafi Córdova in Tuesday’s runoff election and encourage 1st Ward residents to cast their ballots for him.  

Thanks for reading, 

Councilman Joe Quintero


The Pulse (guest Joe Q)


NJ Spotlight News Story on Potential Illegal Vote Scheme.